Friday, April 20, 2012

Breathe....just breathe...

And this is my mantra of the day. Today has been a roller coaster of a ride, and if it is okay with you, I just need to offload a little...

My registration has arrived, so the inevitable has had to I enrolled my Monkey into childcare. I feel so sad, which I suppose is to be expected a little bit. He is my first born, my little preemie boy, and I haven't gone a day without him by my side. I don't know how I'm going to cope leaving him there when the time comes. (Thankfully, the centre is understanding of a very anxious PND Mama like myself and lets us have a weaning period for however long we need). B.R.E.A.T.H.E

I have been applying for jobs and getting my name out there for relieving in the meantime. But it has been the holidays here in little ol' NZ, so responses have been slow forthcoming. Hubby is also anxious as his job is coming to a close, so my anxiety continues to climb..B.R.E.A.T.H.E

I have no idea how the weight loss is going as everything has been buried in the overwelming need to get me into employment. 

If you are a praying person reading this, spare my petite family a thought next time you are in your quiet place...I think we need all the help we can get!!

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