Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bonsoir, remember me?

Well hello again! It has been a very long time since I last posted. I have no idea how to catch you up on all that has happened in that time, so please forgive me..

I'm soooo very excited!! Christmas is coming!! I ADORE Christmas. I love everything about it, all the traditions, the giving, the shared joy. So I'm uber excited that I have been allowed to start Christmas early in our house. LOML and I are heading to the US for a business conference in Las Vegas, followed by a hasty tour of LA and San Diego. This is great, but means that I miss out on almost two weeks of valuable Christmas time, and there is so much I want to do with Monkey this year, now that he kind of realises what is going on. So decorations are up, and mucho sewing and creating is occurring by Mama.

I'm making Monkey an advent calender that he can do while we are away - kind of a way of us still being here with him too. I can't believe I'm going to leave my baby for nearly 2 weeks!!!

Anyway, tomorrow's job...Christmas cake creating. I'll be sure to pop back and show you my creations!

Biscous xx

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